

Our Standard Certifications

CRM-HTR | Clean Room Hooter Cum Flasher

  • The CRM-HTR is a combination of a red color flasher and a hooter (audible alarm) designed for clean room applications.
  • Ideal for notifying personnel in clean rooms of specific events or alarms.
  • Operates in the temperature range of 0 to 50°C with noise level up to 90db.

The CRM-HTR Clean Room Hooter Cum Flasher is a specialized device designed for use in clean room environments. It serves a dual purpose by combining a red color flasher and an audible hooter. This combination ensures that both visual and audible alarms can be triggered to notify personnel of specific events or alarms within the clean room. With a noise level of 90db, it provides a clear and unmistakable alert. The device operates efficiently in clean room conditions with a temperature range of 0 to 50°C. It’s designed for easy installation, featuring modular wall mounting with a stainless steel front.

The CRM-HTR Clean Room Hooter Cum Flasher is essential for clean room applications where personnel need to be alerted to specific events, alarms, or conditions within the controlled environment. The red color flasher provides a visual alert, while the hooter emits a loud audible alarm at 90db. This combination ensures that clean room operators are promptly notified, enhancing safety and operational efficiency.

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