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ROLS/ROLS24 Remote Laser Optical Sensors

  • Versatile stainless steel remote laser sensors with visible red laser light source.
  • Green LED On-Target Indicator.
  • Suitable for long-distance speed measurement applications up to 25 feet.
  • Multiple models with varying cable lengths and terminations available.

The ROLS/ROLS24 Remote Laser Optical Sensors are highly versatile stainless steel sensors designed for precise long-distance speed measurement. They are equipped with a visible red laser light source and feature a green LED On-Target Indicator. These sensors are ideal for applications where the target is up to 25 feet away, and they can accurately measure speeds from 1-250,000 RPM. The ROLS version is powered by 3.3-15 V dc, while the ROLS24 version operates on 24 V dc ±10%. Multiple models are available with different cable lengths and terminations to suit your specific needs.

The ROLS/ROLS24 sensors are commonly used in applications requiring precise long-distance speed measurement. They are suitable for a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, research and development, quality control, and more.

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